The VDR Marine Equipment culture consists of the values that we share and the way in which we conduct ourselves.
• Care for our people.
• Service entrepreneurship.
• Professionalism and dedication.
• Eye for quality.
• Passion and ingenuity.
• Care for our relations.
• Integrity, openness, respect, and team spirit.
• Passion for the environment.

The highest quality in everything we do
Our products and services must always measure up to the standards associated with the VDR brand, and to which we give top priority: the best possible quality and effective support for our customers´ business activities.
To ensure that our products are manufactured to this high quality standard, we invest unceasingly in the modernization of our production facilities.
We promote awareness of quality – and insist on it both in our own work and the work we commission from our business associates.
Our employees are a key factor to our success
We are fortunate to be able to rely on capable, highly motivated employees who remain loyal to us for many years and devote themselves enthusiastically to the Group’s interests.
To promote this situation, we create suitable overall conditions: secure jobs and a healthy working environment.
The absence of unnecessary managerial levels encourages our staff to take on responsible tasks with ample freedom of action. We promote entrepreneurial initiative and offer our employees various basic and advanced training programs.
VDR stands for diversity in the cultural area as well. The Group draws strength from close teamwork across national borders.
Cooperation within our Group is founded on integrity, mutual respect, fairness and trust.